Friday, May 29, 2015

Why you should get in on the last days of discounts

First, it's a no duh. Who doesn't like to save money? But more than that, here's why it makes sense to get in now:

1. Save money. We mentioned that.

2. You're in for your wave time. Wave times have already filled up, so you can get a more optimal time if you sign up now.

3. We'll be unveiling obstacles and other neat new features for this year shortly. When you see them, you'll want to be in. But then there won't be a discount, so you'll have to pay the extra money. Don't pay the extra money if you don't have to, right?

4. But if you do or you don't, all money (100 PERCENT. ALL.) goes back to the Barber National Institute and its mission of making dreams come true for children and adults with disabilities.

What's better than that, right?

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