Friday, May 30, 2014

Interval Training

Interval training is a type of workout that alternates between high and low intensities.  Interval training is working as hard as you possibly can and then relaxing as a short recovery before the next working segment.  During these high and low intensities often times there are alternating activities and exercises being performed.  There are two kinds of interval training: fitness and performance interval training.  Fitness interval training is recommended for general fitness goals.  Performance interval training is recommended for athletes.  Interval training can be done in many different ways.   Below are a few different types of interval training.
Types of Interval Training:
    1.    Tabata: Tabata is a type of interval training that requires 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest, for 4 minutes.  The 20 seconds of work is meant to be an all-out workout.  If at the end of the 20 seconds you are not tired, you are not working yourself hard enough.  Tabatas are often done in one group.  Between each Tabata a 1 minute rest is normally recommended.
Example of a Tabata:
Squat Jumps (20 seconds)
REST (10 seconds)
Mountain Climbers (20 seconds)
REST (10 seconds)
Squat Jumps (20 seconds)
REST (10 seconds)
Mountain Climbers (20 seconds)
REST (10 seconds)
Squat Jumps (20 seconds)
REST (10 seconds)
Mountain Climbers (20 seconds)
REST (10 seconds)
Squat Jumps (20 seconds)
REST (10 seconds)
Mountain Climbers (20 seconds)
REST (10 seconds)

    2.    Sprint: Sprint training is a fluctuation in running speed over a prolonged period of time.  First, you begin with choosing how long you want to run for (can be time or miles).  Second, you choose the type of interval you will use (time or distance).  The amount of time or distance can be varied every time you work out.  As you become more comfortable with the sprinting you can increase the amount you are sprinting.  Also, if you are doing intervals on the treadmill you can add an incline for something different.
Example of a Sprint:
            Jog comfortable speed for 3 minutes
            20 minute workout:
            Sprint 30 seconds
            Walk 1 minute
            Continue this alternating sequence for 20 minutes

    3.    HIIT: HIIT workouts are not the same as all other interval training.  HIIT stands for high intensity interval training.  This is done by working at your maximal intensity for a short period of time.  You work at 100% of what you are capable of during that short period of time, you do not hold back.

Example of HIIT:
            400 meter low intensity jog
            HIIT workout:
            100 meter sprint at 80%
            200 meter low in intensity jog
            200 meter sprint at 75%
            200 meter low intensity jog
            Repeat for a designated number of rounds

Look for more to come in the weeks to follow from our healthcare experts at Saint Vincent!


Jen Territo
Saint Vincent Wellness Coordinator
Certified AFAA Group Fitness Instructor
Saint Vincent Hospital

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